2010 Joined Australian Federation of Traditional Karate
2010 Graded to 3rd Dan under grading panel headed by Kyoshi Paul Ceberano.
2011 Organiser of Seminar weekend featuring Paul Ceberano Kyoshi
2011 Organiser of Seminar featuring Akihito Yagi Kyoshi of Meibukan Goju Ryu
2011 Team interstate tournament, Melbourne Victoria.
2012 Training in Okinawa with club team with Hokama Hanshi and Meibukan dojo.
2012 Seminar by Hokama Hanchi, Sydney Australia
2013 Training Okinawa with Hanshi Hokama 10th Dan
2013 Membership accepted into the World Registry of Blackbelts (WRBBOF)
2015 Graded Yondan (4th Dan) under grading panel headed by Kyoshi Paul Ceberano.

2016 Training in Okinawa with Hanshi Hokama 10th Dan.
2016 Senior First Aid recertification.
2017 Martial Arts Australia, Master Instructor. (martialartsaustralia.com.au)
2017 Organiser of Seminar weekend featuring Paul Ceberano Kyoshi
2018 Training in Okinawa with Hanshi Hokama
2019 Organiser 13th annual tournament
2019 Opened the Woodcroft dojo
2019  Senior First Aid recertification.

Marty Bodsworth Sensei
Head Instructor and Coach
Sensei Marty started his training with Merv Oakley Shihan's Australian Goju Kai Karate at the Doonside Dojo in 1983. After training on and off throughout the 90's he finally attained his Blackbelt from Oakley Shihan whilst competing in Queensland at an interstate tournament after showing great spirit competing with a fractured left clavicle & a damaged right elbow.
He has held two national titles (1997 & 2002) along with a host of state & club titles, and has taught at numerous Dojo's such as Doonside, Westmead, Guildford, Glenmore Park, Horsley Park & Bossley Park.
He opened Glendenning's first Karate Dojo in 1999, Quakers Hill in 2007 and Doonside in 2008, Ropes Crossing and Hassall Grove in 2011, The Ponds in 2012 and Glenwood in 2014.

1983 Started Karate Training.
1987 Japanese Kumite and Kata Training camp
1989 F.A.K.O. State championships mens colts o/75kg, third place
1990 Official at the JKF Goju-Kai world championships
1997 Australian J.K.F. Goju-Kai o/75kg, National Australian (heavyweight) champion, first place
1998 Received Blackbelt with Australian Goju Kai (Oakley Shihan 6th Dan)
1998 Australian J.K.F. Goju-Kai o/75kg, second place
1998 Goju-Kai interstate team Kumite, first place
1998 Goju-Kai interstate o/75kg (open), first place
1998 Goju-Kai interstate  male open, second place
1999 Opened the first Karate Dojo in Glendenning.
2000 ISKA State championships Blackbelt division, second place
2002 WOMAA  National Blackbelt division, first place
2002 WOMAA Natioanal Grand championship, first place
2003 Graded 1st Dan Goju Ryu
2004 Australian traditional Karate fed. (NSW Championships), third place
2006 Seiwakai Australia open, first place.
2006 Produced the junior & senior Training manuals.

2006 Attended Seminars run by Hanshi Shuji Tasaki and Shihan SeiIchi Fujiwara.
Graded 2nd Dan in Mario Borg Goju Ryu
2006 Graded 2nd Dan Goju Ryu Seiwakai (world recognised)
2006 Joined the JKF

2008 Beginning Coaching General Principles.
2008 Introductory Level Officiating General Principles.
2009 Recertification for First Aid Certificate.
2008 Founded Kyoukei Goju Ryu Karate Australia
2008 Joined the International Martial Arts Alliance.
2009 Joined Meibukan Go Jyu Ryu International.
